Friday, July 29, 2016

Clothes Captains Changes Con Texts - closed captions changes context

While watching the recent DNC convention, was anyone else struck with a sense of loss over the end of the Obama legacy?  Not only for the Mr., but for the poise, grace and sometimes even humor that the girls and the Mrs. Showed.  A video that is going viral is “Thirteen moments when we fell in love with Michelle Obama” which features everything from a “Beyonce-esque” karaoke to a SNL skit on Mom Dancing.

I had closed captions running while watching Ms. Obama’s address.  If that were the filter through which you were processing this event, would it have been contextually accurate?  Look at some of the vague and glaring transpositions of context that appeared:
CAPTIONED                        SPOKEN
Sinner of our world – center of our world

Is my here like yours?    Is my hair like yours?

It’s about cool will have the power -  who will have the power

I struck – I trust

Avoid the game – avoid the gangs

Anything yet hard life – anything in her life

Give north tendency – given her tendency

Military in New York a man - Military in your command

Mets third – measured

Prices hit – crisis hits

I’m with terror.  – I’m with her. --  by far my favorite

On behalf of our children – about half of our children

Euros – Heroes

That’s being of segregation – sting of segregation

It got knocked on every dollar – knock on every door

It’s still electing HC adds president - Into electing Hillary Clinton as president
Looks like the RNC took control of the keyboard, doesn’t it?  Makes her address into something Malia Trump probably wouldn’t want to plagiarize.  But that’s a worthy offense at this point in the game.
Imagine, if you will, a Trump presidency.  Is his 12 year old heir going to behave with the grace and poise of the Obama girls, not likely.  Have you seen the photo riding a stuffed lion?  How long until it's a safari trophy shotHis life will be a series of photo opportunities, hopefully not police mug shots.  Will his cabinet be full of A-list choices like Colin Powell, Condi Rice and Elizabeth Warren?  Not so much, cronies from the casino table and failed business partners.  Will his First Lady take charge of an issue like childhood obesity or minority health care?  Or just take the charge cards for a romp with alarming regularity?

Even an HR Clinton presidency brings a sense of the unknown regarding what to expect from Bill.  What will Bill’s token issue be - Will sax solos be featured at state dinners play the same way that it did on Arsenio Hall in the 80's?  Will all the White House interns have to be male?  Will it make a difference? When was the last time we had grandchildren of the POTUS on the south lawn frolicking? Will it be safe for them to do so in our present society?  There are far more questions than answers at this point in the game and the stakes are high.  Or, if I’m on closed caption – the steaks are fried, but that’s a whole nother story.
My greatest concern for a Trump presidency is reinstating the draft and using our military to defend his short-sighted asinine comments with defensive maneuvering, costing lives, collateral damage and further destroying the impression the United States has in the rest of the world.  Of course world tyrants support Trump, he would make them look sane by comparison.

The slogans have gained ground - "Anyone but Trump." "We're better together".  If left to the caption writers, we'd be seeing 'End to one, butter rump' and 'Where butter to gather?'  If I can’t have Bernie, I’m willing to back HRC, but in a perfect world – I’d want to write in Jon Stewart, just for the running commentary of sound bites.

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