Sunday, March 1, 2020

Viral Frenzy

The corona virus has claimed its first victim in WA and the ensuing fear and hysteria is sad and at times comical if it weren't so off base.  Viruses mutate at every transmission.  People are noting that human coronavirus is found as one of the 99% of germs eliminated by Lysol products.  In general, are you planning to ingest Lysol to protect yourself?  People think Corona beer is related to corona virus and are refusing to buy it based on that bias.  Drug stores are running out of face masks and hand sanitizer. 

The true travesty will be when the virus hits the most vulnerable.  I don't mean the young, the old and the immune system compromised.  The homeless and those who cannot afford to stay home from work to tend to their illness or who will be caring for ill family members as the only employed person in a family.  The family leave system in WA is already being taxed and taking longer to reimburse those who are eligible to utilize the benefit. 

Our out of control homeless community is often plagued by frequent illness.  If the corona virus takes hold of a homeless encampment, it could be devastating.  For volunteers, for health care workers, for first responders, for those who go in to clean up the aftermath of the crisis.  The effects are far-reaching and unable to be fathomed how far it will reach into those who feel insulated.  Fast food workers caring for ill and vulnerable family members at home.  Those who don't recognize early symptoms due to mental debilitation or dependencies that leave them ill often.  The many without access to medical care, preventative factors or who can't read cautionary signage in public places to comply with safety measures.  We are as vulnerable as our weakest links.

At our home church,  where we serve the homeless a free meal several times a week, all of our bottles of hand sanitizer were stolen this week.  Fear driving desperation.  Someone who can't afford the protective measures, resorted to stealing.  What will others resort to for protection?  Medical insurance fraud?  Jeopardizing the health of others to get ahead?  The world is a crazy place full of folks who feel the rules and mores don't apply to them.  I'm fearful of the hype and fear overtaking reasonable reactions.

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