Sunday, March 1, 2020

Presidential Race 2020

When all is said and done in November, we will truly be able to say hindsight is 20/20.  We have many possible Democratic candidates vying for the nomination.  So much so that the need to turn over the House and Senate has been overshadowed by he said/she said debate sound bites and who is raking in the most donations.

What are the crucial issues that will need to be addressed?  Social?  Economic? Political?
Should we eliminate the electoral college?  Won't happen before this election...
The deplorable state of homelessness and homeless veterans and homeless elderly in this country?  What is the solution?
What about Medicare for all?  What about Social Security?  Will there BE any social sec for the future?
What can we do about the economy to help new graduates afford all the things they need to survive besides paying student loans?
What is to become of the out of control housing market?

My level of frustration is that while several candidates want to address the state of student loan poverty driving owers into bankruptcy, homelessness and under employment to make ends meet, those of us who are severely sacrificing to save and pay as we go for education to minimize the economic effect on recent grads will get nothing for our dedication and foresight.  Our first son emerged from college with a BA in cinematic arts, currently works a contract job doing AV for hotels and owed $10K at the end of college, we ran short of funds his last year.  Sallie Mae kept telling him he didn't make enough to start paying back loans but neglected to tell him that they were continuing to compound his interest.  When we sold our family home, we paid off his now $12.000 in student loans thereby increasing his credit rating as well.  A win/win most would say, except that he is now plagued by constant marketing calls and has to regularly check his credit report against identity theft.  If we had it to do over, we'd pay off 1/2.

Our second son is a year away from graduation.  We are trying to pay month to month to avoid the same ed loan trap with him.  This arrangement has necessitated him to reduce credit hours, take a 20 hour a week campus job, have mom come out of temporary retirement due to job burnout to take a 30 hour a week job, and takes a good portion of our disposable income to make come to fruition, including an occasional loan from grandparents when pay days hit too far from tuition due dates.  For the first time in years, we are living paycheck to paycheck as our home mortgage and tuition payments are nearly equal.  BUT we make too much to qualify for tuition grants.  So we're stuck between proverbial hard place and wall.  Kid could take more credit hours, but then couldn't work (campus rules) so he could graduate earlier.  There is no way to win.  Will we get any tax credits for paying as we go?  Remains to be seen.

But others who rack up debt and want it erased will have a plan for that?  Life isn't fair and our kids' education is a worthwhile investment, but it would be nice to see a break even point on the horizon.  Have them pay off our mortgage?  Assisted living expenses?  Funeral home expenses?  At what point do we get a break for doing 'the right thing' and foregoing vacations and new vehicles and updating appliances and making what we have last just a few years longer?  Where's the Warren plan for that?

My overall hope is that the Dem candidates will pool their resources and assemble a kick ass cabinet once Trump is defeated with Warren revamping college ed costs like she did consumer spending advocacy.  With Pete Buttigeig in charge of foreign policy, we could mend so many strained relationships that our wall building, insult hurling POTUS has committed against us.  With Bloomberg guarding US funds with the same diligence that he guards and invests his own, we could be a contender again.  Each taking personal responsibility for an area of their own expertise and coming up with a collaborative plan that reaches across the aisles to formulate a policy that will cure more than it cuts. With Bernie at the helm with the support of the best and brightest the Dems have to offer, America could be great again, not because of red hats, but because of the minds and creative genius NOT found below the hats.  Make America care again.  Make America united again.  Make America matter again.  Take America back from hate, rage and indifference. 

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