Thursday, February 16, 2017

Never-ending PMS... not what you think

Just 28 days in, and this regime feels like the worst case of PMS ever - Presidential Mistake Syndrome.  With every tweet, press conference and bit of exposure there is more face palm.  Thinking a media fast would alleviate the feelings of dread and frustration?  News sound bites permeate impervious fortress of vehicle, phone and morning radio station.  Key people who have no business, say ruining the education department are ushered into office; others resign amid scrutiny of impropriety.  While SNL is running at highest levels of popularity, the POTUS is at an all-time low of 40%.  What’s next?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

What in the World?

What is wrong with the world today?  Everyone wants to protect their own entitlements while taking other's to get ahead.  We have approved known white supremacists to NSA, cabinet members who are part of a 'mutual admiration society' who have no prior experience, knowledge or intent to improve the nation for others, only preserving privilege for the few.  My hope is that before we completely destroy what little credibility we have remaining, we will show our children that activism is a good and useful hobby.  It would be so ironic if the power of unsecured Twitter usage brought down the Giant.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

101 Words seems to be the magic #

A light at the end of the tunnel, or a bus run me down?  January has been a month of great stress, strain, change and has required me to pull strength to just keep going and see where things end up on this path.  Sleep is affected and elusive.  Worry needs constant managing.  Every time I think I have it figured out; a new twist occurs and throws my sense of control askew.  Trusting in prayer and finding unknown strength.  There is GREAT satisfaction in smashing a medicine ball to the floor at full velocity at 7am three times a week.